If your vehicle is written off or stolen before you finish paying the finance on it, your car insurance payout may not be enough to repay what you still owe and replace your vehicle with one of equivalent value. Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) is designed to cover this financial gap.

Gap Insurance Explained


On average, new cars lose approximately 60% of their value after just three years . It’s this depreciation that makes it unlikely that a payout from your insurer will be as much as you paid for the car.

And, if you have a finance deal on your car, you risk having to repay more than the insurance valuation if:

  • The deposit for your finance deal was small
  • You’re paying the balance off slowly
  • Your finance arrangement will leave you with a lump sum to pay at the end – a ‘balloon payment’

Without GAP Insurance, you might not be able to afford to replace your car. What’s more, you could still owe money for a car that you no longer have.



Dacia Financial Services offers Combined GAP Insurance. As always, terms and conditions apply, but the main product features are outlined below:

  Combined GAP Insurance
Product Combined GAP Insurance has been designed to cover the ‘gap’ between the greater of the motor insurance settlement or the market value of the insured vehicle and either the amount you paid for the vehicle, or the finance early settlement balance payable to the finance company if the insured vehicle is declared a total loss within the period of cover.

Significant Features & Benefits

The vehicle cannot be older than seven years old at policy inception

Dealer Fitted Accessories are covered up to £1500

Additional benefits
  • Covers up to £250 vehicle insurance excess
  • Available to purchase for up to 90 days after vehicle invoice date
  • Available for vehicles with a maximum net invoice value of up to £85,000
  • Maximum claim limit: Up to Vehicle Purchase Price
  • Vehicle must be insured under a comprehensive motor insurance policy
  • Provides cover for vehicles that have been written off or stolen Transferable (subject to T&Cs)
  • Additional Drivers Covered (subject to T&Cs)
  • Up to £500 contribution towards a Hire Car




Discover full details about Combined GAP Insurance, or request a call from one of the team


Discover full details about Combined GAP Insurance, or request a call from one of the team